Spiegelau History
Spiegelau Crystal Glass Factory
Snuff bottles
The first recorded mention of the Spiegelau factory is in the
last will and testament of Erasmus Mospurger, dated 1521.
Throughout history, glass has played a major role in shaping
lives, propelling economies and advancing civilization. As
thousands of other glass manufacturers have come and gone,
the company has endured and flourished.
In the sixteenth century, when mirrors were popular in royal
courts, the company produced fine glass mirrors, beads and
decorative bottles. In 1845 the factory produced snuff bottles,
which were all the rage.
In 1911 the factory was rebuilt and modernized. In 1926,
owner Fritz Pretzfelder gave the company its current name –
Kristallglasfabrik Spiegelau GmbH, or The Spiegelau Crystal
Glass Factory. During World War II, he fled to England, and
returned after the war to take repossession of his company.
In 1990 Spiegelau was purchased by Nachtmann Group.